The Influence Meeting Method

After training more than a thousand people with communication skills, and pitching thousands of story ideas in news meetings, Jaeny Baik has developed the “S-H-I-F-T System.” This 5 step system leverages the mental, emotional, and physical energies required to influence small audiences. From one-on-one conversations, to stakeholder meetings, these presentation skills are essential to pitch one’s ideas with confidence and persuasion.

This is not public speaking training. This is persuasive pitch training, a high level of specialized training which is difficult to find. These pitches are given in intimate settings, not in front of a crowd. Scenarios:

-Entrepreneurs pitching their business to investors

-Creative professionals pitching new ideas and services to a client

-Younger (millennial) employees pitching their opinions to a senior colleagues / clients

-Business owner pitching their story to the media

Jaeny Baik Media Inc is well positioned to provide this training as pitching skills are similar to video communication skills. Elements such as body language, tone, and understanding the client’s perspective, are transferable. Video is an intimate medium and when executed correctly, video correspondence is most similar to one-on-one conversations. We are now bringing Jaeny Baik’s expertise to bear on stakeholder conversations. Trainees find themselves in these situations daily, without receiving any formal training in how to better execute and pitch their ideas.


Delivery Method:

The Influence Meeting Method is 2 days of live training, with a 2 week break in between training days to complete homework assignments. By the end of this program, participants will:

-Implement new methods to build self-confidence, with the understanding that “preparation breeds confidence”

-Create stronger first impressions with enhancements to their verbal and non-verbal communications

-Connect to stakeholders in client meetings with practical strategies to read the room, re-group the room, and respond to questions on the fly


Learning Objectives:

To confidently align one’s ideas with stakeholder priorities.

To SHIFT to a positive mindset by understanding key concepts on how to connect to stakeholders, while connecting to oneself (e.g. Validation Gap, Perceived Perception Gap.)

To establish a pre-performance ritual (BBM) before heading into meetings which includes breath work, connecting to one’s body and reducing anxiety with emotional visualization.

To experience the energy output required to persuade others to agree with your ideas, and new techniques to persuasively express through body and language

To recite by memory and rehearse Jaeny’s signature “SHEEE” style of emotional expression, using body language to establish trust (eye contact, hand movements, etc.)

An understanding of higher-level performance techniques such as voice / tone, active listening, and the imperative technique to re-group attention.


Assessment Methods:

Participants complete a self-assessment, are assessed by their peers and recorded on video on day one to record their “baseline” communication skills. After homework assignments are completed, participants are recorded again on day two of training, assessed by their peers and complete a self-assessment.

The in-person training offers an opportunity to engage with the instructor, to ensure understanding of the material covered.


Course Details:

Program Run Time: 2 days x 7 hours per day = 14 hours total course time
(1st training day, 2 week break for homework, 2nd training day)

Course Capacity: Minimum 3 participants to a maximum of 20 participants

Program Dates: TBD

Program Location: TBD

Program Investment: $10,000 per group

Email us HERE to register now!

You can download the course outline by CLICKING HERE.


About Jaeny Baik, the “Influence Training” Program Creator:
Jaeny Baik transforms entrepreneurs and executives from “zero to hero” on video. She has worked almost 20 years in media, including a decade as an award-winning reporter / TV host for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

Jaeny holds a B.A. with Honours from the prestigious Trinity College at the University of Toronto, and has taken post-graduate studies in broadcast journalism at Ryerson University. She has also completed internal training courses at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for both radio and television.

Today, Jaeny helps entrepreneurs to conquer their video fears so they can secure more customers through online video marketing. Over the course of 6 years, more than a thousand entrepreneurs have trained under her programs. As a trainer, she’s led workshops in cities ranging from Victoria, St John’s, Dallas and Philadelphia. Participants walk away, a stronger spokesperson for their business with the understanding that performance skills can be learned.

As an in-demand speaker, her dynamic energy has lit up conference stages coast to coast across North America, including her recent TEDx talk. Jaeny Baik Media Inc. trains on-camera performance skills, and crafts stories and pitches with authenticity. Jaeny’s passion? Giving entrepreneurs a voice through video.

Don’t get left behind. You can SHINE online!


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